Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wash. Co.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wash. Co.


Community Organization

About Us

Big Brothers Big Sisters carefully matches & supports adult volunteer mentors (Bigs), to children (Littles), between 6-14 years old living in Washington Co. in single-parent homes, who could benefit from having another caring, positive role model in their life who will encourage and help the child succeed by becoming caring, positive and productive community members in our local communities.

Rep/Contact Info

Maggie Binder
Match Support
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Jaymee Harvey-Willms
Executive Director
Vicki Kania
Office Mgr
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Kayci Lorenz
Enrollment Director
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Nicole Naumann
Match Support
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Heather Rettler
Program Director
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Ashly Steger
Match Support
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
Mijal Tohi
Office Manager
  • Phone: (262) 334-7896
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