Saturday May 17, 2025
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Awards | 2:30pm | Scoop De Ville
Main Street | Downtown Hartford
Hartford, WI 53027
Day of Information
Cars may begin arriving at 7:30am to park (no earlier, no exceptions). Please enter North Johnson Street from Hwy 60 and follow those directing traffic. If you are with a large group and would like to group in the Rec center parking lot, you may do so. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ONCE YOU ARE PARKED, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE YOUR CAR UNTIL 3:00PM.
Each paid registrant may submit one judging form given to you at check-in. Please return the judging form to the check in table by 1:00pm. If your ballot is turned in after, then it will not be counted for judging.
Car Guidelines:
$15 Advance Vehicle Registration (closes end of business day, 4:00 pm May 15th)
FREE admission for community to view & enjoy downtown activities!
Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce
Send Email
Car Classes for 2025
A: 1900-1939
B: 1940-1949
C: 1950-1955
D: 1956-1960
E: 1961-1965
F: 1966-1969
G: 1970-1979
H: 1980-1998
I: 1999-2004
Truck Classes for 2025
VT: 1900-1940
OT: 1941-1970
NT: 1971-2004